
Intimate Relationships Can Lower or Raise Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Women

By Team Adesso | Posted May 23, 2024

Our hearts go aflutter when we meet that special, or who we think is special, someone. As Dean Martin crooned, “when the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine, that’s amore.” A positive intimate relationship, or amore, could lower a woman’s risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). But, on the flipside, as a woman’s heart is torn apart by a relationship that isn’t serving her, that can increase her CHD risk. 

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CHD is a major health concern and the leading cause of death among women. It is often caused by lifestyle factors such as poor diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, and stress. 

Research has found an association between intimate relationships and coronary heart disease in women. Married women or those in long-term intimate relationships are more likely to suffer from CHD than their single counterparts. This may be because married or partnered individuals tend to have higher stress levels and increased stress leads to higher blood pressure as well as other cardiovascular issues. Additionally, people in committed relationships often share or condone unhealthy habits. For example, habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, or poor nutrition can all increase someone’s CHD risk.

Preventing CHD Through Amore

While partners can encourage or ignore their lover’s bad habits, they can also encourage positive ones, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and quitting smoking, which reduce a person’s overall risk of developing CHD. In fact, the importance of practicing self-care cannot be overemphasized, as research indicates that exercise or yoga can effectively reduce stress levels. Engaging in these physical activities may help lower your risk of developing CHD as can having a supportive partner who provides emotional support during difficult times.

Healing Your Relationship and Your Heart

As women repair and/or improve their relationship with their partner, their CHD risk could also be positively impacted. It’s important to understand the warning signs of unhealthy relationships and take steps to address any issues before they become too serious. This may include learning how to better communicate with your partner. Couples who demonstrate open communication are more likely to seek medical advice when necessary, which is essential for managing existing conditions or preventing further complications down the line.


It’s critical that women understand the difference between a relationship with some issues and one that is irreparably damaged and unhealthy. No one should feel they have to stay in a relationship that has deleterious impacts on their health.

Intimate relationships can play an important role in women’s CHD development. Since no one can control when they find their ideal partner, it’s best to mitigate downside risk. By understanding the warning signs of unhealthy relationships and taking steps toward prevention through self-care practices and open communication with our loved ones and healthcare providers, we can all work towards reducing our risk of developing CHD-related complications from intimate relationship issues.