Melissa Ashley

Melissa Ashley has been in the media business for over 25 years, and is quite passionate about educating women with evidence-based information about how to thrive during menopause.  

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Melissa started her career in advertising before moving into digital sales, marketing and the large scale events business.  She has overseen programming and content development for a diverse array of organizations from the DoubleClick Network to the 14th largest trade show in the United States. 

As a female Gen X’er, she is intimately familiar with peri and menopause.  And like many of us, is frustrated by the lack of support and awareness there is for this life transition.   After a lot of research she thankfully came to the realization that she wasn’t losing her mind and that help was available.  But also that this ending of the reproductive life cycle deserves as much time and attention as the onset known as puberty.  A single mother by choice, Melissa has a thirteen-year-old daughter who she will soon be sharing mood swings with.

She is the Co-Founder of Intuitive Events US and the host of MenoChannel in the US.  Her intention for launching the MenoChannel is to create a safe space for women to learn more about the signs and symptoms of menopause, ask questions of experts and uncover options to alleviate symptoms and commiserate.

She would be thrilled if the MenoChannel ultimately helped create national dialogue on the topic in the United States. Melissa will use whatever platform she can to educate women about menopausal symptoms so they don’t suffer in silence.