
Startling Heart Attack Finding in COVID Patients

By Team Adesso | Posted Jun 11, 2024

A study has found that a significant number of COVID-19 patients who have suffered from a heart attack had no prior history of heart disease. The findings have been called “startling” and that more research is needed to understand the long-term effects of the virus on the heart.

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The Journal of the American Medical Association study looked at data from nearly 1,000 hospitals in 30 different countries. Of the COVID-19 patients who had a heart attack, 30% had no prior history of heart disease. This is compared to just 10% of non-COVID patients who had a heart attack.


The findings suggest that there may be something about the virus itself that is causing damage to the heart. It’s possible that the virus could be causing inflammation in the arteries, which could lead to a heart attack. The study did not look at whether or not patients had underlying health conditions that may have put them at greater risk for a heart attack. 


Studies have shown that people who have had COVID-19 are at increased risk for cerebrovascular disorders, pericarditis, heart failure and other cardiovascular disorders. 


More research is needed to understand why COVID-19 patients who have never had heart disease are suddenly suffering from heart attacks. In the meantime, it is important for people to be aware of the potential risks and to seek medical help immediately if they experience any symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pain or shortness of breath.