Nigel Denby

Nigel Denby BSc Hons RD is a registered dietitian, author of ten successful nutrition books, and a broadcaster across television and radio both in the UK and Europe. Nigel is a registered professional with the Health Professions Council and nutrition advisor to Women’s Health Concern, the patient branch of the British Menopause Society. 

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Additionally, he founded Harley Street at Home Menopause. Harley Street at Home Menopause’s vision is to empower women to thrive through menopause. He aims to help women understand their symptoms and treatment options for lifestyle, wellness, and weight management. 

Harley Street at Home Menopause aims to clarify and explain everything related to menopause, helping women make sense of the chaos and uncertainty it can bring.

Harley Street at Home offers a supportive environment with gold-standard, evidence-based, holistic menopause care. The program values trust, care, and compassion, which helps create a safe and supportive community. While no two women will be exactly the same, Harley Street at Home Menopause offers a single port of call for evidence-based information to help women build their menopause toolkits and thrive without fads, gimmicks, and unrealistic promises.

In 2013, Nigel Denby was recognized as Dietitian of the Year.

He has a particular clinical focus on weight management, menopause, women’s health, and irritable bowel syndrome. In addition to his specialized areas, he helps patients manage their diets for chronic and acute medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders, and endocrine disorders.