Microvascular Disease: The Adesso Solution For The Most Common Form Of Heart Disease In Women

Cardiovascular disease CVD, Asian doctor holding human anatomy model for learn and treat heart disease.

Think of the “Hollywood heart attack.” A man, clutching his chest, keeling over unexpectedly. Like the Godfather in his garden with his grandson or Mr. Big after the Peloton ride. Now, think of the “Hollywood heart attack” for women. What comes to mind? It’s hard for people to name many women who have had a… Continue reading Microvascular Disease: The Adesso Solution For The Most Common Form Of Heart Disease In Women

One Size Does Not Fit All

We’ve all heard the saying “one size fits all.” But is that really true? When it comes to our health and preventive care, the answer is a resounding no. What works for one person may not work for another. That’s why it’s so important to tailor our approach to health and wellness specifically for us… Continue reading One Size Does Not Fit All

Healthcare’s Missed Opportunity

Every year, heart disease kills more Americans than any other condition. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every four deaths in the United States is caused by heart disease. And yet, despite its status as the leading cause of death, heart disease is largely preventable. So why… Continue reading Healthcare’s Missed Opportunity

Heart Disease in Women: Why It’s So Often Missed or Dismissed

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, yet it’s often thought of as a man’s disease. In part, this is because heart disease presents differently in women than it does in men. Women are more likely to experience symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and nausea rather than… Continue reading Heart Disease in Women: Why It’s So Often Missed or Dismissed

Going Beyond Virtual: How Cardiac Recovery Creates Immersive Experiences for Heart Patients

Immersive experience is an essential part of cardiac recovery for women. Women make up a significant percentage of heart patients in the United States. In fact, according to the American Heart Association, about one in three women die from heart disease each year. That’s why it’s so important for women to focus on cardiac recovery—and… Continue reading Going Beyond Virtual: How Cardiac Recovery Creates Immersive Experiences for Heart Patients

The Pros and Cons of BMI

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a tool that is commonly used to estimate body fat. It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. BMI can be used for both adults and children. However, there are some limitations to this tool that you should be aware of.… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of BMI

The Top 10 Cities for Work-Life Balance

A recent study shows the top 10 list for best work-life balance. The study, conducted by Kisi, looked at data from a hundred cities around the world to determine the best and worst places to live based on this balance. So, which city came out on top? And which North American cities made the list?… Continue reading The Top 10 Cities for Work-Life Balance

Healthcare Professionals Transitioning to Health Technology Industry

The health technology industry is growing rapidly and there is an increasing number of healthcare professionals making the transition to careers in this field as chief medical officers or entrepreneurs. This session will include insights from healthcare professionals that have taken this path. The health technology industry is one of the fastest-growing industries. The healthcare… Continue reading Healthcare Professionals Transitioning to Health Technology Industry

Staying Healthy with Heartbeat Health

Heartbeat Health is a digital health company that uses telemedicine, remote diagnostics, and digital heart health programs to give patients and clinicians a more proactive way to stay healthy. Founded by Dr. Jeff Wessler, the company has raised more than $30 million to develop its data layer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and… Continue reading Staying Healthy with Heartbeat Health

Strategies to Reduce Low-Value Cardiovascular Care

Low-value cardiovascular care refers to tests, procedures, and treatments that provide no or minimal benefit to patients. In some cases, low-value care can even cause harm. Low-value care is a problem because it wastes resources and drives up healthcare costs. It can also lead to unnecessary anxiety and distress for patients. Fortunately, there are steps… Continue reading Strategies to Reduce Low-Value Cardiovascular Care